present tense: I/you/we/they: stride: he/she/it: strides: present participle: striding: past tense: strode: past participle: stridden
intransitive verb strode, stridden, striding. to walk with long steps, esp. in a vigorous or . a manner of running; gait; progress; advancement: to make rapid strides
bestride (b
3: to move stridden, strides, striding, strode over or along with or as if with long measured steps . She strode across the room towards me.
Definition of stride (stridden, strode) in the AudioEnglish.net Dictionary. . make strides / they made big strides in productivity. Hypernyms ("stride" is a .
present tense: I/you/we/they: stride: he/she/it: strides: present participle: striding: past tense: strode: past participle: stridden
progress or development (esp in the phrase make rapid strides) a regular . Word forms: strides, striding, strode, stridden
vb strides, striding, strode, stridden. 1. (intr) to walk with long regular or measured paces, as in haste, etc. 2. (tr) to cover or traverse by striding he strode thirty miles
. of striding , what is striding - Stride Stride , v . t . [imp . {Strode} ( Obs . {Strid} ) ; p . p . {Stridden} ( Obs . . Is graved , and strides along the .
Stridden Meaning and Example Sentence . strides"); "they made big strides in productivity" v ; walk with long steps; "He strode . p. pr. & vb. n. Striding.] [AS. str[=i .
Strideincised design shows a striding human figure in the fluid and dynamic style . Stride was bound for the south i strode forward stridden, strides, striding, strode briskly in that direction.
. especially in the phrase "make strides") ("They made big strides in . similar to stride: pace, step, footstep, march, stridden, strider, striding, strode, tread, .
strode: Participe pass�: stridden/strode: Participe pr�sent (et g�rondif) striding: 3�me personne du singulier au Pr�sent simple: strides: Sens en fran�ais
Stride Stride, v. t. [imp.
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